The World Bank /ADB provides financing and services to low and middle-income countries to support development and change. Development projects are implemented by borrowing countries following certain rules and procedures to guarantee that the money reaches its intended target.

The project cycle is the framework used to design, prepare, implement, and supervise projects. The duration of the project cycle is long by commercial standards. It is not uncommon for a project to last more than four years; from the time it is identified until the time it is completed.

The World Bank /ADB provides financing and services to low and middle-income countries to support development and change. Development projects are implemented by borrowing countries following certain rules and procedures to guarantee that the money reaches its intended target.

The project cycle is the framework used to design, prepare, implement, and supervise projects. The duration of the project cycle is long by commercial standards. It is not uncommon for a project to last more than four years; from the time it is identified until the time it is completed.


4 weeks.


Perfect for those with no previous training or who are moving on to a new career in Contract Management, Commercial Management or Procurement. Essential training on Procurement, Contract Management, Category Management, Sourcing, Negotiation. Perfect for beginners new to Procurement.

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